Guidelines for your Leaf article
The aim of this initiative is to help others by offering words and thoughts that resonate and help us realise we aren’t isolated in our perspective. Just as importantly, it can benefit the writer.
The topic of the article should be based on your experiences of the music industry and mental health. Consolidating your contribution to under 500 words can help us rationalise thoughts, give new insights and help focus on a particular aspect of music or experience. Being more specific makes the articles more effective!
I completely understand that everyone and the link between their careers can bring on (or exacerbate) anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions, but as I’m not a 1000 man strong company and am a musician myself, I thought taking a peek at a small part of the spectrum was a good place to start!
That being said anyone can contribute, but the articles are written with musicians and those working within the music industry in mind.
I would like to urge you to be open with your name so that we can help to normalise the stigma around the subject! But I do understand that can be daunting so I can keep it anonymous if you wish.
If we think it will repeat a contribution that someone has already made (e.g. my two examples below) that’s not a problem in the slightest! Everyone’s perspective matters and different wording helps define the topics even more.
It also helps with the visual aim. Each article will be readable and will be represented by a leaf, which contributes to the tree picture at the centre of the website by gradually turning it from black & white to vibrant colour.
People can’t comment on them, it is an opportunity to be authentic, not a space for people to criticise (constructively or otherwise).
If you miss something or have more to say, contribute another one! There is no limit to that at all! I’ve written 4 and found it pretty darn therapeutic. Below are 2 of my examples, and thanks so much for wanting to be a part of this. It really means the world to me and hopefully will mean something to others!
I'll read through it before I plant that leaf, and I'll make sure it adds a darn nice green colour to the tree too
All the best,